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On-Demand Fulfillment: What It Is and How It Works

Published in eCommerce Fulfillment

On-demand fulfillment has become a critical aspect of modern supply chain management. Research shows that 60% of online retailers at least partially outsource fulfillment services and 20% outsource the entire fulfillment process.

With the rise of e-commerce and the increasing demand for fast and efficient delivery, it’s no wonder that businesses are adapting to meet the ever-changing needs and expectations of their customers.

In this article, we’ll explore the key components of on-demand fulfillment and how it can help your business optimize its fulfillment strategy.

Definition and Key Components of On-Demand Fulfillment

At its core, on-demand fulfillment revolves around quickly fulfilling customer orders as soon as they are placed, aiming to minimize delivery times and maximize customer satisfaction. It involves streamlining various aspects of the supply chain, from inventory management and order processing to picking, packing, and shipping.

Businesses can either take up various aspects of the on-demand fulfillment process themselves or they can outsource it to fulfillment centers, warehouse locations, and qualifying third-party logistics partners like Print Bind Ship.

Here are some key features of how on-demand fulfillment works:

Inventory Management

One component of on-demand fulfillment involves accurately tracking and managing inventory levels to ensure that products are readily available. This is typically done by implementing inventory management systems that provide real-time visibility into stock levels, which allow businesses to quickly replenish inventory.

Real-time Order Processing

This involves an integration of order management systems with your online store and inventory management systems, enabling businesses to process orders as soon as they are received. Doing so allows for instant order confirmation, accurate order picking, and efficient order packing.

Last-Mile Delivery

The most important part of the on-demand fulfillment process concerns the timely delivery of products from fulfillment centers to the customer’s doorstep. Businesses will need to leverage advanced logistics technologies, such as shipping software and real-time tracking systems.

4 Key Benefits of On-Demand Fulfillment

Implementing on-demand fulfillment offers several advantages to businesses. Take a look at some of the most significant ones:

Superior Customer Experience

Imagine a customer who urgently needs a product. They search online and come across two businesses that offer the same item. However, one business offers on-demand fulfillment, guaranteeing delivery within 24 hours, while the other business takes 3-5 days to ship the product. The customer would choose the business with on-demand fulfillment, as they can get their desired item quickly and conveniently.

With shorter delivery times, customers are more likely to be satisfied and choose a business that offers on-demand fulfillment over competitors.

Optimize Inventory Systems

Consider a scenario where a business relies on traditional fulfillment methods. They have a limited understanding of their inventory levels, resulting in frequent stockouts. This not only frustrates customers but can also lead to lost sales opportunities. On the other hand, a business that embraces on-demand fulfillment can accurately track its inventory in real time, ensuring that it always has the right amount of stock available to fulfill customer orders.

By implementing real-time inventory tracking and order processing systems, businesses can minimize the risk of stockouts and overstocking.

Respond to Changing Consumer Trends Faster

In fast-paced industries, market trends can change rapidly. Businesses that rely on traditional fulfillment methods may struggle to keep up with sudden spikes in demand or shifts in consumer preferences. With on-demand fulfillment, businesses can avoid such a scenario by accurately predicting demand and adjusting their inventory levels accordingly.

Imagine a fashion retailer that notices a sudden surge in demand for a particular style. With on-demand fulfillment, they can quickly replenish their inventory and fulfill customer orders without delay, capitalizing on the trend and maximizing sales.

Potentially Reduced Costs

Consider a business that overstocks a particular product, assuming it will sell well. However, due to changing market trends, the product becomes less popular, resulting in a surplus of inventory. With on-demand fulfillment, businesses can avoid this situation by accurately predicting demand and adjusting their inventory levels accordingly.

By having a clear picture of inventory levels, businesses can avoid overstocking, and thereby reduce costs associated with extra storage.

How to Implement On-Demand Fulfillment?

There are two main ways to implement on-demand fulfillment. You can either take on some of the functionalities yourself or outsource to a third-party logistics ( 3PL) provider. Take a look at the basic steps to implementing this logistics strategy.

Step 1: Assess Your Fulfillment Capabilities

Start by evaluating your current order fulfillment processes. This may involve evaluating existing warehouse infrastructure, inventory management systems, and order processing workflows. Identify areas that need improvement and determine the specific challenges you want to address with on-demand fulfillment.

Step 2: Invest in Technology

It’s at this stage when you may decide to invest in the tools to manage your on-demand fulfillment strategy yourself or partner with an expert fulfillment center that already maintains such solutions.

Generally, this involves integrating order management systems (OMS) or warehouse management systems (WMS) that can automate various aspects of the fulfillment process, from order processing to inventory tracking.

You may also work to strategically organize your warehouse space to maximize efficiency and minimize the time it takes to locate and retrieve products.

Step 3: Train Your Staff and Automate Where Necessary

Proper training is essential for your staff to adapt to the new on-demand fulfillment system. Ensure that your team is proficient in using the new technology tools and that they understand the updated processes and workflows. It’s at this point that you may also want to introduce automated systems to optimize the process and cut down on human error. 

Automation tools can generate a particularly significant return on investment for picking and packing orders. Such solutions can significantly reduce the time required to prepare orders.

Step 4: Integrate New Tools With Your Online Store

It’s at this point that you’ll want to integrate your on-demand fulfillment systems with your e-commerce platform or website. Integrations should automate order placement, payment processing, and more.

You’ll also want to offer real-time order tracking for customers, especially with access to order status updates and estimated delivery times. Remember that maintaining transparency and communication are crucial for a positive customer experience.

Step 5: Update Your Shipping and Delivery Times

You’ll need shipping software that maintains optimization algorithms that help you choose the most cost-effective and efficient shipping methods for each order. You’ll also want to ensure that you’re offering flexible delivery options, such as same-day or next-day delivery, where feasible.

How to Find the Right On-Demand Fulfillment Partner?

While on-demand fulfillment brings numerous benefits, businesses may face challenges as they implement a new fulfillment strategy on their own. Providing fast delivery can be expensive and managing logistics can easily become overwhelming.

One solution is to outsource your on-demand fulfillment needs by working with a dedicated 3PL like Print Bind Ship. Doing so allows your business to:

Minimize Upfront Costs

Partnering with a specialized fulfillment provider eliminates the need to invest in costly infrastructure, warehouse space, or equipment. Print Bind Ship offers state-of-the-art fulfillment centers and the necessary tools to ensure efficient and accurate processing of orders.


As dedicated professionals in the industry, Print Bind Ship maintains the capability to handle fluctuations in order volume, whether it’s during peak seasons or sudden spikes in demand. If your business is experiencing growth or with seasonal sales patterns – such solutions are a must.

Improve Order Accuracy and Customer Satisfaction

By entrusting your orders to a dedicated fulfillment provider, your business can benefit from the expertise and experience of professionals who are well-versed in executing accurate and timely order fulfillment. The result is a higher degree of customer satisfaction, as orders are processed with precision and delivered promptly.

Partner With Print Bind Ship for On-Demand Fulfillment

Partnering with Print Bind Ship for on-demand fulfillment is not just a smart business move; it’s a strategic investment in your brand’s growth and customer satisfaction. We maintain over 60 years of experience in the fulfillment industry and we help businesses address all kinds of needs – from logistics to shipping and even custom branding and packaging. Get a quote for your project here!


What is on-demand fulfillment?

On-demand fulfillment refers to a process where goods or services are delivered to customers as and when they need them. It involves a flexible and efficient system of order fulfillment, inventory management, and shipping to meet customers’ immediate requirements.

How does on-demand fulfillment benefit businesses?

On-demand fulfillment offers several advantages to businesses. It enables companies to meet customer demands in real time, reducing delays, and increasing customer satisfaction. It also helps businesses optimize their inventory levels, reducing storage costs and minimizing the risk of excess stock. Finally, on-demand fulfillment allows businesses to scale their operations seamlessly, accommodating both sudden spikes and declines in order volumes.

What technologies are commonly used in on-demand fulfillment?

Several technologies play a crucial role in enabling on-demand fulfillment. These include warehouse management systems (WMS), which optimize inventory storage and pick-pack-ship processes. Order management systems (OMS) help streamline the flow of orders, while transportation management systems (TMS) ensure efficient shipping.

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