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Batch Picking: What It Is and How It Works

Published in eCommerce Fulfillment

Batch picking is a widely used order-picking strategy in warehouses and fulfillment centers that involves gathering multiple orders at once. Rather than picking one order at a time, batch picking allows workers to collect items for multiple orders simultaneously, increasing efficiency and saving time. 

The process starts with the warehouse management system creating batches of orders that have similar items or are located in close proximity to each other. The batches are then assigned to workers who go through the warehouse, picking the items required for each order within the batch.

In this guide, we’re going over everything to know about batch picking, how it works, its benefits, and how it can boost your order fulfillment process

How Batch Picking Works

Batch picking is a strategy used in warehouses and fulfillment centers to optimize the order fulfillment process. Rather than picking items for each order individually, batch picking involves gathering multiple orders in one go, creating a batch. This technique not only saves time but also allows for better organization and increased productivity.

The batch picking process begins with the warehouse management system (WMS) analyzing the orders that need to be fulfilled. It groups multiple orders that have similar or overlapping items, consolidating them into one pick list. The warehouse staff then receives the pick list, which outlines the items and quantities required for each order within the batch.

Once the pick list is in hand, the warehouse staff navigates through the shelves or aisles, picking the items in the order specified. They gather the required quantities for each order, often using carts or mobile picking devices to carry multiple items at once. The items are then placed into separate bins or totes, ensuring that the items for each order are kept together.

After all the items have been picked from the batch, they are sorted and packed individually for each order. This final step includes labeling the packages and preparing them for shipping. By following the batch picking technique, warehouses can greatly expedite their order fulfillment process, reducing the time spent walking between different locations within the warehouse and minimizing errors.

Benefits of Batch Picking

Batch picking is especially advantageous for businesses that handle a large volume of orders or have a high proportion of repeat orders. Such businesses will often partner with a fulfillment company that specializes in efficient batch order-picking strategies, such as Print Bind Ship.  

Take a look at some benefits of batch picking order fulfillment. 

Increased Productivity and Efficiency

By picking multiple orders at once, workers can minimize the time spent traversing the warehouse and maximize the time spent on picking items. This reduces idle time and enables employees to complete more orders in a shorter amount of time. Additionally, batch picking allows for better coordination among workers as they can divide and conquer the tasks involved in picking multiple orders simultaneously.

Reduction in Travel Time and Labor Costs

Rather than traversing the warehouse multiple times for individual orders, batch picking allows for optimized picking routes that minimize the overall distance traveled. This not only saves time but also reduces labor costs associated with excessive walking or driving within the warehouse. By consolidating picking activities, businesses can make better use of their workforce, resulting in cost savings and increased operational efficiency.

Improved Order Accuracy and Customer Satisfaction

When picking multiple orders together, there is a reduced risk of errors due to misplaced or mislabeled items. Additionally, batch picking allows for better order consolidation, ensuring that all items for a particular order are picked and packed together accurately. This results in fewer shipment errors and discrepancies, leading to higher customer satisfaction levels and fewer returns or customer complaints.

Key Components of Batch Picking

Batch picking is a process commonly used in warehouses and distribution centers to improve order fulfillment efficiency. 

Order Batching 

By grouping orders based on similar characteristics such as product type, location, or customer, workers can reduce travel time and distance between picking locations, leading to a more efficient process. Effective strategies for order batching include analyzing order patterns to identify commonalities, optimizing batch sizes to balance workload and minimize errors, and prioritizing urgent or time-sensitive orders for immediate processing.

Proper Inventory Organization and Layout 

A well-organized inventory reduces the time spent searching for items, preventing delays and errors. Categorizing products based on their characteristics, such as size, weight, or popularity, can help establish an efficient placement strategy. Additionally, optimizing the layout of the warehouse by grouping frequently picked items together, strategically placing high-demand products closer to the staging area, and utilizing vertical space can further streamline the batch picking process.

Technology and Automation Tools

Technology plays a vital role in enhancing batch picking by providing real-time visibility of inventory levels, optimizing picking routes, and enabling workers to handle larger volumes of orders. Automated systems, such as conveyor belts, sortation equipment, and robotic picking solutions, can significantly improve the speed and accuracy of batch picking. These tools reduce manual labor involvement while ensuring high order accuracy and faster turnaround times.       

Batch Order Picking vs Wave Picking

Both batch order picking and wave picking aim to increase productivity, reduce picking time, and improve order accuracy, but they differ in their approach.

Batch order picking involves organizing orders into groups, or batches, based on common characteristics such as product type, size, or location within the warehouse. Instead of picking one order at a time, workers will pick multiple orders simultaneously. They move through the warehouse, picking the required items for each order and placing them in designated totes or containers. Once all the batches are completed, the orders are sorted and packed for shipping. 

On the other hand, wave picking is a method where orders are organized into waves or groups based on specific time intervals. Instead of grouping similar orders, wave picking groups put time-bound orders together, and workers will pick those orders within a designated wave timeframe. 

For example, if a warehouse has waves at 8 a.m., 10 a.m., and 12 p.m., orders that need to be shipped by 8 a.m. will be picked during the first wave, and so on. 

Wave picking can be beneficial for warehouses that have a fixed cut-off time for same-day shipping. However, it may require careful planning and coordination to ensure efficient workflow as workers must switch between different waves throughout the day.

Best Practices for Implementing Batch Picking

If your business owns a warehouse and you’re considering changing your warehouse picking strategy, you’ll want to make sure you’re following these best practices.

Prioritize Grouping Similar Products Together

By analyzing the order volume and urgency, businesses can prioritize which orders should be picked first. Additionally, grouping similar products in a batch ensures that warehouse staff can pick items more efficiently as they don’t have to constantly switch between different types of products. This also reduces the risk of errors and improves accuracy in order fulfillment.

Take the Time to Train Staff

Warehouse employees need to understand the batch picking process thoroughly to effectively carry out their tasks. You may also want to train store associates on how to group orders properly. Training should cover topics such as batch picking procedures, safety protocols, and the use of any necessary equipment or technology. Regular refresher courses and ongoing education help to enhance staff performance and maintain high-quality order fulfillment.

Take Advantage of Data and Analytics

Utilizing data and analytics is also key to continuously improving batch picking operations. By monitoring and analyzing data related to order volume, item popularity, and worker productivity, businesses can identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. This data-driven approach allows for adjustments to be made in real-time, helping optimize batch picking processes and increase overall efficiency.

Why You Should OutSource Batch-Picking to a 3PL 

As a business owner, you may find yourself overwhelmed with the increasing demand for your products and struggling to keep up with the fulfillment process. That’s where outsourcing to a third-party logistics provider (3PL) specializing in batch picking, such as Print Bind Ship, can be a game-changer for your business.

Estimates suggest that around 60% of online retailers partially outsource fulfillment services, with 20% of them outsourcing the entire fulfillment process.

3PLs like Print Bind Ship have the expertise, experience, and technology to optimize the order fulfillment process. They are equipped with sophisticated warehouse management systems that enable efficient order consolidation, minimizing the time and effort required for picking orders. This results in faster order picking, allowing you to meet customer expectations and deliver products promptly.

Outsourcing to a 3PL also offers the potential for cost savings. By utilizing their economies of scale,  fulfillment partners can negotiate better shipping rates, reduce packaging costs, and streamline overall fulfillment operations. Plus, partnering with a 3PL eliminates the need for a business to invest in expensive warehouse space and technology, as they already have the infrastructure in place. This allows you to focus your resources on core business activities, such as product development and marketing, rather than worrying about operational logistics.

Batching Picking and Relying on the Experts 

Batch picking is a highly effective method of order fulfillment that can greatly improve efficiency and streamline operations for businesses. By outsourcing to a reputable 3PL like Print Bind Ship, you can benefit from professional expertise and top-picking strategies – ultimately saving time and improving your overall service and customer satisfaction. So why wait? Get in touch today and discover how Print Bind Ship can help boost your business to new heights!


How does batch picking work?

What are the benefits of batch picking?

Batch picking offers several benefits, including increased efficiency, reduced labor costs, and improved order accuracy. By consolidating picking tasks and minimizing travel time, batch picking allows workers to fulfill orders quickly and accurately. This efficiency ultimately leads to faster order processing and satisfied customers.

Is batch picking suitable for all types of products?

While batch picking is well-suited for many industries and products, it may not be suitable for all types of inventory. Batch picking is most effective when dealing with small and compact items that can be easily picked and sorted together.

However, larger or more fragile items that require specific handling might not be suitable for batch picking and may require other picking methods. 
It is essential to evaluate the nature of your inventory and consult with supply chain experts to determine if batch picking is suitable for your specific product range.

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