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Print Business Cards For Authors

Published in Printing

In today’s digital world, where communication and networking are mostly done online, it may seem like business cards are becoming obsolete. However, for authors, having a well-designed and creative business card can be critical in helping you stand out from the crowd.

Business cards provide a tangible representation of your work and serve as a powerful tool for self-promotion and networking. If you’re looking to obtain custom business cards for authors – look no further than Print Bind Ship.

Print Bind Ship is the go-to expert when it comes to commercial printing – including book printing and business cards. Get a free quote for your project here

In the meantime, take a look at this comprehensive guide for everything to know about business cards for authors.

Importance of Business Cards for Authors

Business cards serve as a mini billboard that highlights your name, book titles, website, and contact information – basically ensuring that your details are readily accessible. Business cards can greatly enhance your professional image as an author by showcasing your brand and generating a memorable presentation. They can also help you capture the attention of potential readers, literary agents, publishers, and other fellow authors.

Moreover, a business card provides credibility and legitimacy to your work as an author. It shows that you are serious about your craft and have taken the time to establish a professional presence. Plus, business cards can serve as a powerful networking tool at literary events, conferences, and book signings.

Business Cards for Authors: Design Strategies

Your business card’s design should capture the essence of your brand and work as an author. Take a look at these business card design tips to help you make an impression.

Consider Colors or Graphics

Did you know that people are 10 times more likely to keep business cards in color than white ones? Colors can make or break your business card design. 

Make sure to incorporate relevant graphics and colors that align with your genre and writing style. For example, a romance author might choose soft pastel colors and floral illustrations, while a sci-fi writer might opt for futuristic designs and bold, vibrant colors. This will help your card stand out and immediately convey your creative vision.

Ensure a Strong Headshot

A high-quality author headshot on your business card can help create a personal connection with audiences. A professional and inviting photograph helps readers associate a face with your name and work, making it easier for them to remember and recognize you in the future. 

Keep Information Concise and Clear

Your business card design should strike a balance between providing all the necessary details without being overwhelming. Consider including your name or pen name, book title(s), website or blog, email address, and/or phone number. 

Including social media handles, such as Twitter or Instagram, is also a great way to connect with readers and build a larger online following. Just make sure to only select the most relevant and active social media platforms to avoid cluttering the card.

Where to Distribute and Maximize The Impact Of Author Business Cards

Business cards give you the opportunity to present your brand in a professional light and make a lasting impression. Take a look at some of the ways you can maximize your reach with business cards for authors.

Networking Events and Conferences

To make the most out of connecting with publishers, readers, and other authors – make sure to come prepared with a stack of your author business cards. Hand them out as you interact with people or after an engaging conversation.

Make sure to listen attentively to what others have to say and show genuine interest in their work. Engage in conversations that go beyond small talk, as this will leave a stronger impression. Once you have established a connection, exchange business cards naturally and consider jotting down a personal note on the back of the card to help them remember the conversation later.


Bookstores are often frequented by book lovers and potential readers, making them valuable locations for exposure. While visiting your local bookstore, place a few cards near relevant sections or on bulletin boards. You may have to ask the staff whether doing so is allowed. If you are able to leave your business cards, make sure they’re neatly presented and easily noticeable.

Author Events or Book Signings

Book enthusiasts and potential readers attending events are often looking for new and exciting authors to explore. By handing them your business cards, you not only provide them with a convenient way to remember your work but also increase the chances of them reaching out to you in the future. This can lead to increased visibility and potential sales for your books.

In addition to readers, fellow authors, agents, and publishers may also be present at these events. Distributing your business cards can help you establish connections and potentially find future publishing opportunities.

Choosing the Right Printing Partner for Author Business Cards

You’ll need to select the right printing partner for your author business cards to ensure you receive high-quality and visually appealing products that accurately represent your brand.

Experienced printing partners like Print Bind Ship understand the importance of details. We closely consider the correct paper weight and the right font styles, and ensure accurate colors to make your business cards truly stand out.

Not to mention – we also have over 60 years of experience in the field!For cost-effective and fast turnaround times for your author business cards, get in touch with Print Bind Ship for a free quote!


Why are business cards important for authors?

Business cards are important for authors as they serve as a professional and convenient way to promote themselves and their work. They allow authors to easily share their contact information, book titles, and social media handles with potential readers, publishers, and industry professionals.

What should I include on my author business card?

When designing your author business card, make sure to include your name, book titles, website or blog URL, social media handles, and contact information such as email address or phone number. You can also consider adding a brief tagline or quote that reflects your writing style or genre.

How many business cards should I print?

The number of business cards you should print depends on your specific needs. It’s recommended to have a sufficient quantity to distribute at book signings, writing conferences, networking events, and during day-to-day interactions. Ensure you always carry a small stack in your wallet, bag, or author kit, as you never know when an opportunity to promote your work may arise.

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