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5 Ways to Self-Promote as a Fitness Coach or Trainer

Published in All Resources

The fitness industry is saturated with certified personal trainers. In order to stand out, you have to strategize a way to market yourself or self-promote. A successful fitness trainer or coach knows how to sell their services and products without putting a lot of extra time or resources. 

In this article, we’ll go over five ways you can self-promote your fitness services. By the end of this article, you’ll have enough ideas that you can use to put yourself out there and get new business!

5 Ways To Self-Promote as a Fitness Coach or Fitness Trainer

Self-promoting or marketing yourself is how you grow your client base and increase your sales. Whether you are a fitness coach or trainer, marketing yourself can be a fun and rewarding way to connect with your audience.
Let’s explore each of these ways to help you get a better idea of what to do or where to start.

1. Write Blogs to Get Touted as an Fitness Expert

Publishing blog posts offers multiple benefits. In addition, a blog on your website provides marketing success and covers a few areas such as:

  1. Highlighting your expertise or positioning yourself as an expert.
  2. Creates more organic leads and helps with search engine optimization. 
  3. Makes you the “go to person” for current and potential clients. 
  4. Helps your website visitors get to know, like, and trust you.

Furthermore, blogs are evergreen content. Once you start sharing content, your blogs can likely have a snowball effect. This effect can cause leads to grow and passively gain you clients in the long run. 

If you’re unsure what to blog about, you can always expand on your customers’ commonly asked questions. Think about some of the questions your clients typically ask or what you wanted to know when you got started in fitness. You can also share your personal insights of being a trainer or coach. The possibilities are endless! 

2. Leverage Your Instagram

As a fitness coach or trainer, you most likely have social media; specifically Instagram. Do personal trainers and coaches need to use social media? Absolutely! This is especially important since there are approximately 3.5 billion social media users worldwide according to Statista

Instagram is a known platform to help businesses turn followers into clients. 

By leveraging your Instagram you can increase your client base in many ways. For example, if you have products you’re selling, you can tap into Instagram shop features. Additionally, to help increase booking, you can give customers the option to book your services on your profile. 

You can also promote your products, and engage with your audience in creative ways. You can also use your Instagram to point to articles you’ve written. In addition, you can also use your platforms to get insight from your customers. Posting questions and getting feedback from your customers is a great way to improve your services.

3. Use Emails to Stay at the Forefront of Clients Minds

Emails are one of the most personal mediums that exists. This is because emails will help you stay on top of your clients minds. Reports show that consumers prefer email over social media for brand communication. Furthermore, readers are much more inclined to work with you when they see special offerings. 

Many fitness trainers and coaches make the mistake of not maintaining a consistent email schedule. However, when done correctly, you can send frequent emails that readers will look forward to reading. It’s worth considering crafting an email marketing strategy that provides value; and establishes a connection instead of sending out promotional emails every time.

With that being said, you have to get strategic and creative with your emails. From sending out monthly newsletters to offering special discounts or trials. Use your list of clients to further promote yourself.

4. Brand Your Training Strategies, Techniques, and Products

Branding your specific exercise strategy is a great way to stand out amongst other fitness trainers and coaches competing for clients. If you have a unique strategy, tactic or technique, you should put your name on it. Not only should you put your name on it, you should also talk about it.

Instead of giving them a simple “weight loss workout,” consider putting a twist on it. Not only does it sound more appealing to your clients, but it’s much easier for them to remember. Moreover the unique name for your technique will lead to more referrals from friends and family.

5. Drop off Business Cards or Flyers at Local Businesses

Think about where your potential clients may frequently hang out. These places can be coffee shops, health food stores, or physical therapy waiting rooms. By dropping off your business cards or flyers, in essence, is like free advertising!

Ultimately, sharing these physical adverts cand and will increase brand awareness. Additionally, you can create great flyers and business cards with Or you can partner up with a 3PL, like Print Bind Ship, and utilize their branding services. Third party logistics (3PLs) companies can provide strategic ways to brand your products and scale your business. 

How Can Print Bind Ship Help You Self-Promote

In the past, 3PLs were mostly dedicated to warehousing and transporting goods. Today, these companies are known for specializing in various services! 

3PLs, like Print Bind Ship, offer services that can help any fitness coach or health brand grow. The best thing about this variety is that you can utilize one or more. For example, Print Bind Ship can help you self publish your fitness book by printing it and even shipping out orders. They also provide subscription services and help with the kitting process.

Finding a 3PL partner does not have to be a daunting task. Find out how Print Bind Ship can help you by getting in contact with an expert today! You can also take advantage of Print Bind Ship’s free consultations here

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