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How to Sell Print-on-Demand on Amazon: Guide for 2024

Published in Fulfillment

Wondering how to sell print-on-demand on Amazon? You’ve come to the right place! Diving into the world of e-commerce can seem intimidating – but it doesn’t have to be. With the right guidance, You can get started on your venture and position your business for profits. 

In 2022, the U.S. print-on-demand market reached $1.89 million, and projections indicate an anticipated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.4% from 2023 to 2030. And one of the most lucrative opportunities available today is selling print-on-demand products on Amazon. 

This model allows you to offer a wide range of products without the need for inventory or upfront costs. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up your own print-on-demand business on Amazon, providing practical tips and strategies to help you succeed in this exciting online marketplace. 

Let’s take a look at these top tips on how to sell print-on-demand on Amazon in 2024!

1. Research and Choose Your Niche

The first step is to identify a niche or target market for your products. A niche is a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service. By choosing a niche, you’re focusing on a specific customer base with unique interests and needs, which can make your marketing efforts effective and profitable.

Start by researching trending topics, interests, or specific themes that have a high demand on Amazon. This could be anything from pop culture references and motivational quotes to specific hobbies or professions. Amazon’s “Best Sellers” and “Movers & Shakers” sections are great places to start your research. These sections highlight popular and fast-selling products, giving you an idea of what consumers are currently interested in.

Consider using tools like Google Trends or social media platforms to understand what’s popular or trending in your chosen niche. Keep in mind that the key is to find a balance between a niche that interests you and one that has a proven demand on Amazon. This way, you’ll be creating products that not only you’re passionate about but also have a high chance of selling.

2. Create High-Quality Designs

It’s essential to invest time and effort into developing designs that are not only visually appealing but also resonate with your chosen niche.

High-quality designs are a must in the print-on-demand business. Remember, your designs will be printed on physical products, so they need to be high-resolution to ensure they look sharp and clear when printed. A low-resolution design may look fine on a computer screen, but when printed, it can appear blurry or pixelated, which can lead to dissatisfied customers and poor reviews.

Your designs should also be versatile enough to look good on various products. From t-shirts and hoodies to mugs and phone cases, each product has different dimensions and printing requirements. Therefore, it’s essential to understand these specifications and create your designs accordingly.

Consider using professional design software like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, which offer advanced tools and features for creating high-quality designs. If you’re not confident in your design skills, consider hiring a freelance graphic designer or using design platforms like Canva, which offer a wide range of templates and design elements.

Lastly, ensure that your designs are unique and original. Copying other people’s work can lead to copyright issues and damage your brand’s reputation. Be creative, experiment with different ideas, and don’t be afraid to think outside the box. After all, the most successful print-on-demand businesses are those that offer something different from the rest.

3. Choose a Print-on-Demand Partner

You’ll need a trustworthy print-on-demand partner if you’re going to be successful in setting up your Amazon business. Your print-on-demand partner will handle the production and fulfillment of your orders, so it’s essential to choose a reliable and high-quality provider.

Some popular print-on-demand services seamlessly integrate with Amazon, such as Printful and Printify, making it easy to manage your products and orders. You may also opt to work with Print Bind Ship, a leading print-on-demand partner, 3PL, and fulfillment provider. With Print Bind Ship, you can ensure your print-on-demand is printed at the highest quality to ensure the most top-of-the-line finish. 

Print Bind Ship integrates with your online storefront and handles all aspects of the printing, fulfillment, and shipping processes. Partner with us to complement your Amazon storefront or use our warehouse and fulfillment services to bypass Amazon FBA and its high fees and sell directly to consumers. Learn more here

When choosing a print-on-demand partner, consider factors such as product range, print quality, pricing, shipping options, and customer service. Take the time to research different providers, read reviews from other sellers, and even order sample products to check the quality. This way, you can make an informed decision and choose a print-on-demand partner that aligns with your business goals and standards.

4. Set Up an Amazon Seller Account

To start selling your print-on-demand products on Amazon, you’ll need to set up an Amazon Seller account. If you don’t already have one, signing up is a relatively straightforward process.

Amazon offers two types of seller accounts: Individual and Professional. The Individual account is more affordable and best suited for sellers who expect to sell fewer than 40 items per month. On the other hand, the Professional account costs $39.99 per month plus selling fees and is designed for sellers who plan to sell more than 40 items per month. It also offers additional features such as bulk listing and order management, promotional tools, and eligibility for top placement on product detail pages.

To sign up, visit the Amazon Seller Central website and click on “Register now”. You’ll be asked to provide some basic information such as your business name, address, and contact details. You’ll also need to provide your tax information and agree to Amazon’s terms and conditions.

Once your account is set up, you can start adding your products. Remember to choose a descriptive and catchy title for each product, write a detailed product description, and include high-quality images of your design. These elements are crucial in attracting customers and convincing them to buy your products.

Setting up an Amazon Seller account is a significant step towards launching your print-on-demand business on Amazon. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the platform and its features to make the most of your selling experience.

5. Apply for Merch by Amazon

If you’re keen on leveraging the power of Amazon’s massive customer base and want a seamless integration with the platform, applying for the Merch by Amazon program is an excellent move. Merch by Amazon is a print-on-demand service that allows you to create and sell your designs on various products directly on Amazon. 

To get started, you’ll need to apply for an invitation as the program operates on an invite-only basis. Visit the Merch by Amazon page and click on “Request Invitation”. You’ll be asked to provide some information about your business, such as your business contact details, bank account details for receiving payments, and tax identification number.

In the application, you’ll also need to provide some information about your design experience and marketing plan. Be sure to highlight any experience you have in creating designs or selling products online. Also, explain how you plan to promote your products. This could include strategies like using social media marketing, search engine optimization, or paid advertising.

Keep in mind that getting accepted into the Merch by Amazon program can be competitive, and it may take some time to receive a response. However, once accepted, you’ll have access to a powerful platform that handles everything from printing to shipping, allowing you to focus on creating great designs and marketing your products.

6. Upload Your Designs

After setting up your Amazon Seller account or getting approved for Merch by Amazon, the next step is to upload your designs to the print-on-demand platform you’ve chosen. This process involves selecting the products you want to sell, uploading your design files, and customizing the product’s appearance.

Most print-on-demand platforms have a user-friendly interface that guides you through the process. You’ll typically need to select a product (like a t-shirt or mug), upload your high-resolution design file, and then position and size your design on the product. Some platforms also allow you to choose different product colors or add additional design elements.

7. Integrate with Amazon

The next step in launching your print-on-demand business on Amazon is to integrate your print-on-demand account with your Amazon Seller account. This integration is crucial as it allows for the automation of the fulfillment process, making your business operations smoother and more efficient.

Each print-on-demand (PoD) platform has its own process for integrating with Amazon, but generally, it involves linking the two accounts and setting up product syncing. This means that when a customer places an order on Amazon, the order details are automatically sent to your PoD partner, who then prints and ships the product directly to the customer.

To start the integration process, log into your print-on-demand account and look for an option like “Integrations”, “Connect to Amazon”, or something similar. You’ll then be guided through the necessary steps to link your accounts. This usually involves logging into your Amazon Seller account, granting permissions to the print-on-demand platform, and setting up product sync.

Once the integration is complete, any products you add to your print-on-demand platform will automatically appear on your Amazon Seller account, ready for customers to purchase. Similarly, any orders placed on Amazon will automatically be sent to your print-on-demand partner for fulfillment.

Remember to follow the integration instructions provided by your chosen print-on-demand partner carefully. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to their customer support for assistance.

8. Create Product Listings on Amazon

Once your print-on-demand platform is integrated with Amazon, it’s time to create your product listings. This step involves adding your products to Amazon, providing detailed information about each product, and optimizing your listings for search visibility.

Start by selecting the products you want to list on Amazon. If you’re using a print-on-demand platform like Printful or Printify, you can do this directly from your print-on-demand account. Simply choose the products you want to sell, and they’ll be automatically added to your Amazon Seller account.

Next, create compelling product titles and descriptions. Your title should be descriptive and include relevant keywords that potential customers might use when searching for products like yours. For example, if you’re selling a t-shirt with a dog design, your title might be “Funny Dog Graphic T-Shirt”. 

Your product description should provide additional details about the product. This could include the material of the product, the design, sizing information, and any other relevant details. Again, try to include relevant keywords in your description, but make sure it reads naturally and provides valuable information to the customer.

High-quality images are also crucial for your product listings. Customers can’t physically see or touch your products, so clear and attractive images are key to showcasing your products and convincing customers to buy. If possible, include multiple images showing different angles or details of your product.

Finally, optimize your product listings for search visibility. This involves choosing relevant product categories and adding additional keywords in the “keywords” section. The more optimized your listings are, the more likely they are to appear in Amazon’s search results, increasing the chances of customers finding and purchasing your products.

9. Set Prices and Profit Margins

Pricing your products correctly is a critical aspect of running a successful print-on-demand business on Amazon. Your pricing strategy should take into account several factors, including production costs, Amazon fees, and your desired profit margins.

Start by understanding your production costs. This includes the cost of printing each product with your chosen print-on-demand partner. Most print-on-demand platforms provide a base price for each product, which covers the cost of the product itself and the printing.

Next, consider the fees charged by Amazon. If you’re using an Amazon Seller account, you’ll need to account for referral fees, which are typically around 15% of the sale price. If you’re using Merch by Amazon, Amazon takes care of production costs but it takes a larger cut of the sale price.

Once you’ve calculated your costs, you can determine your desired profit margin. This is the amount you want to earn from each sale after all costs have been deducted. A common approach is to aim for a profit margin of around 20-30%, but it can vary depending on your business goals and market conditions.

Finally, you’ll want to compare your prices with those of similar products on Amazon to ensure you’re competitive. While it’s important to cover your costs and make a profit, setting your prices too high could deter customers and lead to fewer sales.

10. Promote Your Products

After setting up your product listings and pricing, the next step is to promote your products. Even with the most eye-catching designs and competitive prices, your products won’t sell if customers can’t find them. This is where promotion comes in.

Amazon offers several advertising features that can help increase the visibility of your products. One of these is Sponsored Products, which are ads that appear in search results and on product pages. These ads can help your products stand out and reach customers who are actively searching for products like yours.

Another Amazon advertising feature is Lightning Deals, which are time-bound promotional offers that are featured on the Amazon Deals page. This can be a great way to boost sales and gain visibility, but keep in mind that there are fees associated with running Lightning Deals.

In addition to Amazon’s advertising features, consider leveraging external marketing channels to drive traffic to your Amazon listings. This could include social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, or even paid advertising.

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and TikTok can be particularly effective for promoting print-on-demand products. You can share images of your products, create engaging content around your niche, and interact with your audience to build a community around your brand.

11. Monitor Sales and Customer Feedback

Once your print-on-demand business is up and running on Amazon, it’s important to regularly monitor your sales performance and customer feedback. This information can provide valuable insights into what’s working, what’s not, and how you can improve your business.

Start by keeping a close eye on your sales. Which products are selling well? Which ones aren’t? Are there any patterns or trends in your sales data? For example, you might notice that certain designs or product types sell better than others, or that sales increase during certain times of the year. Use this information to refine your product offerings and focus on what’s working.

Customer reviews and feedback are another valuable source of information. Pay attention to what customers are saying about your products. Are they happy with the quality of the products? Do they like the designs? Are there any common complaints or suggestions for improvement?

Use this feedback to refine your designs, improve product quality, and enhance customer satisfaction. For example, if customers are consistently complaining about the size of a design on a t-shirt, you might consider adjusting the design size to better meet customer expectations.

Remember to respond to customer reviews and feedback in a timely and professional manner. Thank customers for their positive reviews and address any complaints or issues promptly. This not only helps improve your products and business but also shows customers that you value their feedback and are committed to providing excellent customer service.

12. Expand Your Product Range

As your print-on-demand business on Amazon starts to gain traction and you become familiar with the platform and your target audience, consider expanding your product range. Offering a wider variety of products can help you cater to a broader audience, increase sales, and grow your business.

Start by looking at the product options available on your chosen print-on-demand platform. Most of these platforms offer a wide range of products, from clothing and accessories to home decor and lifestyle products. Consider which products might appeal to your target audience and fit well with your designs.

For example, if you’ve been selling t-shirts with success, you might consider adding hoodies or tote bags with the same designs. Or if your designs are popular on mugs, you might consider expanding into other kitchenware like coasters or aprons.

As you expand your product range, remember to stay informed about trends in your niche and the wider market. What products are currently popular? What’s trending in your niche? Use this information to continually update and refresh your product line.

Navigating the Print-on-Demand Landscape on Amazon

Amazon, with its vast customer base and powerful e-commerce infrastructure, provides an ideal platform to showcase your unique print-on-demand creations. The key lies in the synergy between innovative designs, efficient print-on-demand partners, and strategic marketing efforts.

As you embark on this exciting journey, stay attuned to market trends, customer feedback, and the evolving landscape of e-commerce. Continuously refine your approach, experiment with new designs, and leverage promotional tools to maximize your visibility.

If you’re looking for a print-on-demand partner, look no further than Print Bind Ship! We manage all stages of the print-on-demand business model, from printing to fulfillment to shipping and more! We’re the ideal partner, whether you’re looking to sell print-on-demand on Amazon or directly to consumers through your site. Learn more here!


How much do I need to invest upfront to kickstart my print-on-demand business on Amazon?

The initial investment for a Print-on-Demand venture on Amazon can vary. It typically involves creating quality designs (which can be done independently or outsourced), potential costs associated with a graphic design tool subscription, and fees related to Amazon’s selling plans. Additionally, budgeting for advertising expenses may be beneficial for increasing product visibility.

What’s the timeframe for seeing sales after setting up a print-on-demand store on Amazon?

The time it takes to make sales can vary based on factors like niche selection, design quality, and marketing efforts. Some sellers may see initial sales within weeks, while others may take longer. Consistent marketing, understanding your target audience, and refining your product listings can expedite the process.

Once I start selling on Amazon, can I add more print-on-demand products to my inventory?

Absolutely! Amazon allows you to continually expand your product offerings. As you gain insights into customer preferences and market trends, consider diversifying your product line. Whether it’s adding new designs or exploring different product categories, the flexibility of print-on-demand allows you to adapt and grow your inventory over time.

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