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Healthcare Printing: How a 3PL Provider Can Help

Published in Printing

The impact of the written word remains the greatest when made with ink rather than pixels, so much so that people still trust printed materials more than digital ones — even in the current digital age where practically every material seems to be leaping onto our screens. 

If there’s an industry that needs to build trust more than any other, it’s healthcare, so the question at hand is a matter of these professionals knowing how to find new clients and build that all-important trust.

The answer lies in healthcare printing, one of the most essential marketing strategies in the industry. High-quality medical printing services give healthcare providers the materials they need to successfully reach their clients.

How to Print Healthcare Marketing Products

Choosing medical printing services should be based on trust, and the services you partner with should deliver your healthcare marketing products with the timeliness and quality you need.

Contact Print Bind Ship

Look no further than Print Bind Ship for an experienced, expert printing partner. We offer various custom printing options with fast, worldwide delivery. With our Mail Genius service, we can include memorable, essential items such as custom notecards that look handwritten, personalized reminders and offers and swag like pens and keychains.

Define Your Objectives

Clearly identifying your goals will help you make choices when designing your healthcare marketing products.

Choose the Right Products

Healthcare print materials come in a vast array of products, such as:

  • Brochures
  • Flyers
  • Calendars
  • Business cards
  • Posters
  • Banners
  • Postcards
  • Promotional items (such as pens or notepads)

Consider what your target audience will likely use most. Calendars usually live on walls with high visibility, and pens are always welcome around the office.

Design and Content Creation

Your branding should dictate the visual style of your healthcare print materials. Images should be high-quality with legible and understandable wording, and all messages should be clear and informative. 

Compliance and Regulations

Follow regulations governing healthcare materials. Patient privacy, medical accuracy and other requirements must be followed. When in doubt, consult compliance experts and legal advisers.

Printing Method and Vendor Selection

There are two main printing methods — digital and offset. The former is fast and cheap and provides solid image quality, but the latter is still popular for its crisp, clean images despite the extra cost and preparation time. 

In general, digital printing makes sense for small runs that require flexibility, while offset is perfect for expansive healthcare printing projects. 

Choose your printing partner based on its ability to meet your demand accurately and quickly. Research reviews and ask other customers about their experience. You can also request samples and compare prices with other printers.

Material Selection

Choose paper with the appropriate weight and durability. You may prefer matte or glossy finishes, depending on the application and messaging. Even promotional materials like pens and notepads should still display that same sense of meticulous detail and quality.

Printing and Production

Bulk printing rates often have specific amounts based on the length of the run, box sizes and the number of shipments the entire run will take, among other factors. Ensure you get the materials promptly by discussing your timeline with your printer so that production finishes before kicking off your marketing campaign.

Distribution and Promotion

Hand your printed materials to patients, display them in waiting areas, hand them out at trade shows and events and mail them directly. You can use digital versions to display on your website and social media pages, and you can send them in email marketing blasts.

Measure and Evaluate

Track your campaign’s success. You can modify the campaign as you go to boost effectiveness, and once it finishes, store the data you gather and analyze it to inform future campaigns. 

Benefits of Print Marketing Products for Healthcare Businesses

Not only can you put more information onto printed materials, but they often hold attention spans for far longer. Distribute your products far and wide and expect clients to remember them.

Popular Types of Print Marketing Products

Healthcare marketing materials are varied, and which ones are right for you depends on your specific needs.


A combination of clear, concise wording and easy-to-understand graphics will help clients get a solid picture of what to expect from a surgery or test.

Business Cards

Putting the doctor or physician’s face on business cards makes them feel approachable and personal. Include the company logo as well.


Physicians looking for new patients to enroll in their practice might send out postcards about their services to the residents of a new building that just finished construction. Alternatively, a practice specializing in sports medicine might send postcards to local athletes and sports teams.


Flyers are excellent for urgent messages. Use bold colors and simple, large wording.

Key Elements for Designing Effective Print Marketing Products

Healthcare printing isn’t much different from other businesses’ print marketing — it’s largely the messaging that’s unique.


Your logo, colors, fonts and wording must all be consistent with your brand.

Clear and Concise Messaging

Use short sentences with simple words. Use bullet points and numbered lists with bold fonts for important sections.

High-Quality Images and Graphics

Images should be crisp, clear and informative without being too graphic. They must always bolster your messaging and make sense in context.

Customization and Personalization

Use client names in personalized print materials, include information about their specific conditions and ensure you maintain their privacy as you do so.

Budgeting for Print Marketing Products

Spend your money on the right materials for a solid return on investment (ROI). The cost for printed materials is relatively inexpensive, but the returns are increased client loads and loyal customers.

Healthcare Printing With Quality at Print Bind Ship

Just as your clients should trust you, you need a trustworthy printing partner. Choose Print Bind Ship and benefit from our years of printing experience. You’ll get high-quality printed materials with excellent, clear designs shipped fast every time. Contact Print Bind Ship to get started today.


How can print healthcare marketing products benefit my practice or healthcare organization?

They foster trust with clients with clear, informative printed materials.

What types of print healthcare marketing products are available?

Flyers, brochures, business cards, postcards, calendars, magnets and notepads.

How can healthcare organizations ensure the design and content of their print marketing products effectively represent their brand?

Use consistent color schemes and fonts alongside a prominent logo.

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