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How to Grow Your Business: 6 Strategic Ways to Grow Your Business in 2021

Published in All Resources

When you’re deciding how to market your business for better business growth, there are several different strategies you can consider. 

This article will provide six ideas on how to grow your business and begin seeing more traffic – and more sales – in no time.

6 Strategic Ways to Grow Your Business in 2021

Invest in a Helpful Customer Management System (CMS)

A customer management system allows you to track your customer’s data, including their contact information, account status, interactions with your company, and more. It allows you to better understand your customers, retain customers, and more accurately target new ones. A CMS is a vital part of growing your business successfully.

Psst! Print Bind Ship offers integration that helps maintain customer data and promote business growth. And, to help new businesses out, we’re offering a $500 Startup Voucher – a perfect way to provide freebies for your loyal customers without spending a dime!

Build a Solid Sales Funnel

A “sales funnel” simply means putting a structure in place that takes a potential customer from their current state (“awareness”) to making a purchase at your store. Here’s an example of an uber-simple, four-part funnel:

  1. Awareness:  Customer struggles to drive during sunset
  2. Interest:  Customer discovers Sunglasses Express
  3. Decision:  Customer decides sunglasses will help them drive
  4. Action:  Customer buys sunglasses from Sunglasses Express

“Click funnels” move the customer along the buying process by taking them through several pages and offering “upsells.” Let’s look at a simplified example:

Page one in a click funnel might get a customer to sign up for something free, like a cooking eBook for weight loss. After they’ve done this, the business will hope that the customer is so excited that they’ll click on a button that might say “Speed Your Weight Loss.”

This could take them to a page where they actually buy something, like a supplement or workout gear.

Market Through Your Blog Content

No matter what type of business you’re in, you can find business growth by having a blog on your website. Tell your audience what you’re doing, what you’re excited about, and what’s next for your business – and throw in some SEO keywords while you’re at it!

Your blog is also a great place to promote your merchandise. Chances are if someone is willing to invest time in reading your words, they’re ready to wear a t-shirt with your logo, or drink out of a mug you’ve designed!

Don’t want to keep products on hand? Learn how you can dropship your merch easily!

Grow Your Business With A Niche Market

The best way to find an audience is to decide on a niche. If you want to appeal to the fitness market as a whole, you’ve got some big names to beat (think: Nike, Adidas, etc.). But if you’ve got a dedicated following of people who love matching yoga poses to country music songs? You’ve got a unique niche that will end up being much more loyal!

Understand Your Competition 

When you’re figuring out how to grow your business, you’ll need to identify who your competitors are and what they are doing right – and wrong. What about them appeals to the people in your niche? Can you do what they’re doing better by making it easier, more cost-effective, or more fun?

Build Your Email List

This might be one of the top “how to grow your business” necessities! Building an email list allows you to have direct contact with your current and potential buyers. 

Business growth is going to come from the relationships you form with your audience members. Emailing them deals and promos — as well as exciting news in your niche or simply your thoughts on a topic in your industry — is going to position you as an authority in the space…and lead to more sales.

Partner with a 3PL to Help Grow Your Business

When you search “how to market your business,” you’ll probably see a ton of results talking about creating merch or selling products. For new business owners, this can seem like a stretch, especially when working with a tight budget.

However, a 3PL (third-party logistics) company like Print Bind Ship, can help with package design, shipping, returns, printing, inventory, subscription boxes, and more. Your audience can enjoy your business’ swag, and you’ll never have to deal with shipping, returns, or housing products in a small space.

Work On Branding Your Business

Business “branding” is a blanket term for your overall image. Developing a mission statement that resonates with your audience, choosing a logo, picking out a color palette and general “theme,” and other activities all contribute to your branding. 

Branding is particularly important in today’s busy internet space because it is the thing that will make you memorable to a potential buyer. It’s how they will recognize you among a sea of content and deals.

Look into Storefront Integration

Whether you’re looking at creating a physical store or want to keep things online, a “storefront” is where your customers can go to see your products easily. An eCommerce storefront essentially allows your customers to “go shopping” and easily buy products with their preferred payment method.

What’s Next?

Now that you’re ready to grow your business, it’s time to look at how you can build up your revenue stream in multiple ways. Print Bind Ship can help you fulfill merch orders, print books, design products, and more. As a 3PL company, we have the space and materials your small business needs to expand quickly…without your products taking over your dining room!

We’re here to help you focus on growth. That’s why we’re offering a $500 fulfillment voucher to startups looking to grow their business fast. Wondering how to best market your business in a specific niche or industry? Schedule a free consultation with our expert.

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