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How to Make Money in Fitness: 9 Top Ways

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People are always looking for new ways to make money in the fitness sector — through personal training, teaching classes or subscription models. The industry is rife with opportunities, but vendors face staggering competition. It’s not uncommon for a city to have thousands of personal trainers, making it a competitive environment to break into and start making money.

Plenty of opportunities still exist for people willing to work hard and build a business. Whether you’re trying to get your client reps up or your retention higher, we’ll go over some of the ways you may not have thought about to make money in fitness.

1. Identify Your Niche

What do you specialize in — personal training, group training, boot camps, online coaching or nutrition programs? What do you value most in your offerings? Do you think more about client results or your own personal gains? By understanding yourself and your client base, you can better identify what you’re offering and make a go of it. 

Many professionals switch gears when they figure out what they really enjoy. Knowing yourself and understanding your audience are major steps in taking the right steps forward with your fitness business to make money in fitness.

2. Establish Your Brand and Online Presence

Branding and online presence determine the success of a business. If you don’t already have a website, get one up and running as soon as possible. You display your services and products to potential clients and customers and improve your online presence. A lack of a website can make it difficult for clients to find you. Once you’ve established your website, you’ll need to work on building your social media following. 

You can use social media to promote your services, share helpful content and communicate with followers. The online interactive fitness category is growing at a rate of $4 billion year over year.

3. Create a Fitness-Related Product or Service

Once you’ve got a solid foundation in place for your business, you can start branching out and creating a product or service related to your niche. Creating your own product can be a great way to connect with your current audience and attract new clients. 

Creating a physical product that appeals to a certain niche is something that requires a little more effort on your part, but Print Bind Ship can help you with that. Whether you want your clients to track their calories or workouts in a workbook or if you want something more concrete like a workout planner that includes a step-by-step reminder of how to do an exercise, we have the full capabilities to make your product a reality. 

4. Join an Affiliate Marketing Program

Another way that you could generate additional revenue for your fitness business is by joining an affiliate marketing program. These programs are a great way of generating passive income as they allow you to earn a commission on the sales that you refer through your website or other marketing efforts. One of the best affiliate programs out there is Amazon Associates, which allows you to make money by referring clients to products on the Amazon website. You find the product that you want to promote by searching on Amazon and clicking the “Get Links” button found under the product details page. You add your referral links to your site and earn money every time someone buys a product through your link.

5. Incorporate Advertisements on Your Website or Blog

Another way to generate additional revenue for your fitness business with minimal effort is to incorporate advertisements on your website or blog. Many companies pay good money for relevant advertising space on your site if it site gets a decent amount of traffic.

6. Host Events or Workshops

A more personal way you can generate more revenue for your fitness business is to host events or workshops that are catered to the needs of your clients and the base of your niche. Events can be anything from how to host a healthier Thanksgiving dinner, start a home gym on a budget or get the most out of group fitness classes at your local gym. By hosting events or workshops, you create memorable experiences for your customers, which gives them something valuable to look forward to. Events establish you as an expert in your field and make your business a part of the community.

7. Build a Personal Training or Coaching Program

A profitable income stream is to build a web-based personal training program or coaching program. This type of program allows you to offer your clients personal training or coaching sessions at a fraction of the cost that you would otherwise pay if they were to hire a personal trainer or coach on their own. 

Once you launch the program, you can market it to your existing clients and ask them to refer their friends. You can extend the program to potential clients by building a landing page on your website where you explain the program and offer a discount. Programs like these can be an effective and affordable way to grow your client base and generate additional revenue.

8. Monetize Your YouTube Fitness Channel

One of the best and most effective ways to monetize your fitness business on YouTube is by creating a channel that revolves around health and fitness. The key is to keep your videos informative and entertaining without being too sales-oriented. For example, you could create a channel that features workout routines that people can follow at home, nutrition tips that improve health or healthy recipes. Tie in affiliate products and turn on targeted advertising. If you create content that is interesting and recommend reputable products that actually work, they will mind less being sold to.

9. Create and Sell Customized Workout Plans

Use your platform to sell customized workout plans that can be used for goals such as weight loss, muscle gain, increased strength and endurance. People pay for high-quality and effective workout plans, and businesses are willing to hand over big bucks for the expertise that you bring to the table. Your online business helps you connect with people around the world who are interested in having you help them achieve their fitness goals. Publish an outline for each of the workouts and sell them on your website.

Get Your Business in Shape with Print Bind Ship

Now that you know how to make money in fitness, it’s time to make your mark and haul in the cash gains. So many digital possibilities exist that you can tap into to expand your reach, but sometimes the personal touch of physical mail can get the job done better if you’re in a local market or do one-on-one work. Even if you don’t do in-person work, direct mail campaigns can make your physical offerings stand out more by giving samples to your target market.

Print Bind Ship Mail Genius is here to do just that. With our proprietary return-on-investment (ROI) tracking system, we can measure a direct mail campaign while also dealing with other sourcing, printing and shipping needs you may have in regard to your fitness offerings. 


What is the best way to make money in the fitness industry?

The best way to make money in fitness is to find your niche, determine its audience and figure out how to best join the two together.

How do you make passive income in fitness?

Making passive income in fitness can be as easy as using affiliate marketing. You can create videos that are sponsor-supported and feature affiliate links, which you can get paid for by click or purchase.

What are some ways to make money online in fitness?

You can use many ways to make money online in fitness including creating an app or paywalled video content, making custom workout plans making custom meal plans, selling white-label supplements or vitamins, and more!

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