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How Professional Signage Printing Works

Published in Printing

Just about every business needs some kind of sign. Do you want a poster? A welcome sign? An arrow pointing to a sale, your entrance, or the bathroom? 

If so, you’ll need signage printing. Even online businesses occasionally have to get out and take part in live events where they should have some signage to identify who they are. 

What Is the Purpose of Signage Printing?

When discussing signs, you’re probably picturing things like storefront signs, but that’s just a fraction of the signage that exists. Signs come in a vast array of sizes, shapes, colors, and functions.

Advertising and Marketing

Signs are a chance for a business to show off its logo and branding. The efficiency of signs is unlike most other kinds of advertising or marketing because they have to grab attention, communicate the vibe of the business, and be understandable at a glance.

Enticing Customers

To quote another song, “more than words” isn’t just a cheesy power ballad. It’s also what a sign needs to connect with customers. Fast food joints know that red and yellow stimulate hunger, which is why they’re in most fast food signs, for example. Your sign has to pop into your target demographic’s mind and make them think, “I want what they’re selling!” 

Signs can also use pictures or graphical elements to entice customers. Consider the giant guitar that makes up part of Guitar Center’s logo. Guitar players see that sign and know that when they walk in, they’ll feel right at home.


On a small scale, large signs in front of a business are pragmatic because they mark where that business is located. On a more representational level, your sign may be part of your brand. For instance, you don’t even need to see color to recognize the golden arches of McDonald’s. Signs provide an instant way for customers to know that a business is exactly the one they want.

Health and Safety Signs

Printing and signage companies handle more than just advertising clients; they also provide signs that are more functional and can be used by anyone. Signs such as “wet floor,” “area under construction,” or “CAUTION: wear respirator” keep people safe. These signs work best when designers can make them eye-catching. A professional print job can be far more effective than a business taping up a sheet of paper with handwritten words.

Directional Signs

Imagine if there were no signs that read, “bathrooms this way.” Directional signs can take many forms. Some signs rely on words, some have graphics, and some indicate direction using shapes, such as arrows.

Enhanced Appearance

Some signs exist to create a certain ambiance. Businesses get large format printing to create custom signs and posters that make spaces more fun and inviting. Movie theaters might hang movie posters, while fine restaurants might prefer reproductions of fine art. 

Top Reasons Signage Is Important 

Signage creates a connection that can’t be easily achieved by other means. We’re visual creatures, and signs feed us information in a way that makes sense to our brains. That connection can be through words, graphics, shapes, and other design elements. As a business owner, you want to establish that connection!

Provides Clear Communication

It is a common phrase to say that a person who doesn’t communicate well has trouble giving and taking signals. Signage printing offers a way to communicate with people, from the tiniest price tag signs on store shelves to giant billboards. You have a signal, a message, and a sign that can deliver it.

Conveys Brand Identity and Character

Signs are canvasses for your brand. In your store, they can carry the colors and motifs that your brand represents. Cohesive sign designs give customers a sense that you get your reason as to why they would buy from you. They’ll connect with companies that have a meaningful reason why more than they do with companies that have purely monetary motivations.

Increased Brand Awareness

Let’s say you’re at a trade show and want to create some standups that give info on your products. Large signage printing from a reputable company will get you a vibrant, well-designed display to attract potential customers. 

You can get creative with your signs! Ever heard of Burma-Shave Signs? The term has outlived the actual Burma-Shave company, but the short of it is that Burma-Shave invented the idea of having a small series of signs along a road that drivers would piece together as they drove. It was such an innovative idea that their name is now synonymous with the practice.

Connect to the Right Audience

Your signage must represent your brand, and it must communicate with your target demographic on their level. How do they speak? What slang do they use? Do they prefer minimalist graphics, or should your signs be busier looking? Signs not only speak about who you are but must also speak to your customer base.

Cost-Effective Strategy 

Getting custom signs made is cheaper than many other forms of advertising. Once you’ve got a sign made, you own it. TV and radio commercials don’t run forever, social media ads will eventually get buried by new posts, and newspapers and magazines get thrown away. Your sign will last as long as you want it to.

Here’s a Sign That It’s Time to Contact Print Bind Ship

If you’re interested in signage printing, then you’re probably looking for ways to win over customers. What if you could get posters, mailers, catalogs, or brochures that are top quality and have them sent directly to customers without you having to lift a finger? 

That’s what we do at Print Bind Ship! We create your print piece, store it, and ship it off, so you don’t have to. We can ship it directly to you, too! Print Bind Ship works with businesses every day for their printing needs, and we’re ready to boost your brand with custom printing, too.


How Does Signage Help a Business?

It communicates brand identity, essential information, and intent to customers.

How Effective Is Signage Advertising?

According to research, 80% of customers enter stores based on the quality of the sign alone.

What Is Digital Print Signage?

Signs that have digital images printed directly on the sign’s material, whether it’s paper, plastic, metal, or some other substrate.

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