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T-Shirts for Events: How to Print, Design & Ship Custom Merchandise

Published in Printing

If you had access to a marketing technique where you could turn people into living, breathing commercials for your brand, wouldn’t you be intrigued? That’s pretty much what T-shirts do. Getting branded T-shirts for events means you have marketing material that will keep on advertising long after the event is over. 

People love event T-shirts, especially if they’re special or exclusive. Custom apparel can be an excellent way to curry brand loyalty, whether you sell charity T-shirts for a cause or give away cool shirts to loyal customers.

Why You Should Consider Custom T-Shirts for Your Next Event

Everyone likes feeling as though they’re part of something greater. Humans are social creatures, so if you can provide event T-shirts that get loyal customers together, they’ll attract even more. Additionally, all those logos make your business seem huge, and that perception can be a serious game-changer. 

If your company is sponsoring an event for a charity, it’s a good idea to tie your brand to it. T-shirts for charity organizations show that you support important causes, and that message will exist on those custom T-shirts for events long after the events are over. With a single short-term investment, you’ve bought long-term goodwill.

Print Bind Ship for Ordering T-Shirts for Events

We’re a full-service print-on-demand third-party logistics company that can ship anywhere in the world. And we ship fast. But don’t think that it’s just our shipping speed that makes us special. Print Bind Ship will take your logo or basic shirt idea and make it into must-have T-shirts for events. We’ll design, print, warehouse and ship them wherever they need to go. 

When you choose Print Bind Ship, you get the following:

Custom Design Services

Our in-house designers have the eye for detail you want. If you have difficulty coming up with shirt ideas, don’t worry — you’ll love our designs. More importantly, your loyal customers will love them. Remember that no idea makes it onto a shirt unless you like it first. We’re here to print your T-shirts for events, not ours.

Choose Your Merchandise

Do you have a specific brand or style of shirt in mind? Print Bind Ship partners with vendors to source the materials and apparel ideal for your event shirts.

Top-Quality Printing  

So many event shirts are made to last until the end of the event — and not much longer. That’s not the case with Print Bind Ship’s shirts. Ours are made to last. Period. Our printers are high quality, and you can expect the same longevity from our shirts as any shirt you’d pick up in the store.

No Inventory 

Don’t want to have warehouses full of unsold shirts? Or worse, shirts with wrong information on them, such as canceled events or misspelled words? Print Bind Ship can print shirts on demand so that you don’t have to deal with the excess stock sitting on shelves.

We Handle Shipping Logistics

Do you want pallets of shirts to show up in your loading dock? We can handle that. Want to send shirts to individual customers or clients? We’ve got that down, too. Wherever your shirts are supposed to be, we’ll get them there.

3 Steps for Ordering T-Shirts for Events

If you’re ready to engage in one of the most effective forms of branding, we’re ready to make some cool shirts for you.

Step 1: Decide on the Design

Shirt design is so much more than just slapping your logo on the front. You can choose fabrics, colors and styles, and you can even tell us which supplier you want. Print Bind Ship will make sure you get the shirts exactly as you want them.

Step 2: Get in Touch with Print Bind Ship

Contact us and we’ll get to work on a design so that it will be ready by the time you need to get your T-shirts to clients and customers. We’ll print the shirts and deliver them in time for your upcoming event.

Step 3: Receive Your Order

You’ve got enough on your plate, so we’ll make this part easy, too. When you receive your order, it’s wherever you want it to be. Your headquarters? The event itself? Your home? So long as you know where you want us to deliver the shirts, they’ll be there.

Dress for Success with Custom T-Shirts from Print Bind Ship

Your custom T-shirts will be one of the most important tools in your branding arsenal. But the shirts have to look and feel the part. No one wants to go to a big event and walk away with a shirt that will be threadbare by the end of the week! 

Get quality, long-lasting, awesome-looking event T-shirts with Print Bind Ship. You bring us the design (or let us handle the design for you), and we’ll take care of printing and shipping them. It’s as simple as that. Contact us today and let Print Bind Ship get you the custom shirts you’ve been looking for.


Why do people buy T-shirts for events?

Branding is one of the most important aspects of advertising, and T-shirts are one of the best ways to foster brand loyalty. With custom shirts from Print Bind Ship, your loyal customers will be proud to represent you whenever they wear them.

Where can I find a company that prints T-shirts?

Print Bind Ship is a full-service third-party logistics provider that specializes in custom T-shirts and all kinds of other types of printing. We can provide large batches or fulfill shirt orders one at a time.

How soon before my event should I order custom T-shirts?

We need at least a few weeks to ensure that we can turn around a fully designed custom shirt. If you need a more complex design or unusual shirt type, you should allow for more lead time to ensure it will be ready before your event.

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