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How to Promote an Etsy Shop: 11 Proven Strategies

Published in General

Your Etsy shop might be full of fun, whimsical creations, but you won’t get sales if no one knows you exist. Promoting on Etsy is essential for bringing in customers. Here are some tested Etsy marketing tips to guide your way to success.

1. Create a Unique Brand Identity

Along with a unique offering or set of offerings, you must have a consistent identity. When people see your logo, colors and copy, they should get a sense of what you and your products are like. You need to know who your audience is and what they respond to. 

Brands that advertise Etsy shops need to consider:

  • Logo design, including colors, fonts and graphics
  • Product photos
  • The voice and content of the listing text and title

Fine-tuning the details will allow you to tailor your brand and maximize its impact on potential customers.

2. Optimize Your Listings

People often find what they want on Etsy directly from Google. It’s wise to use search engine optimization (SEO) to your advantage.

Let’s say you sell custom knives, and you know your customers use your knives primarily for camping, hunting and collecting. Using keywords such as “custom camping knife” or “handmade collectible knife” can help your listing reach the top of search engine results.

You should also optimize your titles with the words that most grab customers. For example, you might title your listing “Custom Knives, Handmade for Camping, Hunting and Collecting.”

While it might seem like a long title, you’ve gotten the most important element first, “Custom Knives,” followed by other relevant keywords.

3. Use Etsy’s Promoted Listings Tool

If you’re looking for the best way to promote Etsy shops and you don’t yet have many reviews, consider spending money on promoted listings. Just be aware that your listing will display the words “Ad by Etsy seller” next to it.

4. Use Social Media Platforms

While promoting on Etsy is a great start, you’ll need to learn how to advertise Etsy listings on social media, too.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other platforms allow you to connect with customers through engaging content. For instance, if you make custom clothing, you might upload videos explaining how you make various items.

5. Join Etsy Teams

By joining Etsy Teams, you can find groups with common products for sale and get expert advice on how to promote an Etsy shop.

Experienced sellers can tell you about their journeys and how they found and continue to find customers. You may also find possible collaborators to fill in the gaps in your product line and other sellers who may be able to use your abilities.

6. Run a Contest or Giveaway

Holding a contest or giveaway is a great way to grow your followers.

If you make custom T-shirts, you might hold a contest for the coolest original artwork and offer five free printed shirts to the winner. Similarly, giveaways are an easy way to collect info like email addresses for future marketing pushes.

7. Take Advantage of Cross-Promotional Opportunities

Sellers wondering how to promote an Etsy shop can pool together to offer cross-promotions that benefit everyone involved.

For example, if you make custom video game cartridges, you could partner with another Etsy seller who specializes in reproduction boxes and instruction manuals. You can also take advantage of each others’ social media channels, blogs and access to influencers.

8. Post on Relevant Forums and Blogs

Get in the habit of frequenting relevant forums and blogs. Doing so will let you reach potential customers who have questions and concerns. These avenues will also open you up to a larger audience who frequently search for the kind of content that would lead them to your products.

9. Reach Out to Influencers

If you can’t partner with any Etsy sellers who have connections to influencers, reach out yourself. High-performing personalities on social media channels like Instagram and TikTok can bring much-needed awareness to your shop. You can offer free products or discounts and giveaways to their followers. 

10. Try Paid Advertising

Another option is to take out ads targeted at relevant customer profiles on social media or get your shop to appear at the top of search rankings with Google Adwords, which uses a pay-per-click model.

YouTube video ads, Spotify, Pandora, podcast audio ads and traditional outlets such as billboards, radio, TV and print can net great results as long as you know your audience.

11. Create an Email Marketing List

Marketing through email offers an excellent return on investment (ROI), with the average being $40 returned for every $1 spent.

You can collect email addresses through contests, giveaways and direct sales. To make an even bigger impression on customers, use Print Bind Ship’s Mail Genius for direct marketing campaigns. 

With Mail Genius, you can send custom note cards with personalized messages. We also can simulate handwritten notes with a machine that imitates the organic look of handwriting. You can add special offers and swag to your direct mail pieces, too.

Build Your Etsy Shop with Print Bind Ship

Promoting your Etsy shop with Etsy’s tools, posting on social media, interacting on forums and engaging in email and direct mail marketing campaigns can all help customers discover your products.

When you’re ready to get serious about advertising, take advantage of Print Bind Ship’s Mail Genius services. We’ll craft a custom campaign that makes sense for your business and intended audience to produce the results you want. Contact Print Bind Ship to get started today.


How can I optimize my Etsy shop for SEO?

Try adding relevant keywords to your product descriptions, titles and shop policies.

How can I network with other Etsy users?

Use Etsy Teams to partner with other Etsy sellers to get advice and work on cross-promotion ideas.

What are some targeted marketing campaigns I can run for my Etsy shop?

Email and direct mail marketing allow you to reach the most relevant users. Print Bind Ship’s Mail Genius creates attractive, personalized direct mail messages to boost customer awareness and drive sales.

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