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Can You Offer Multiple Bindings of Your Book?

Sarah Harris
January 4, 2023

While digital books have increased in popularity, book lovers still enjoy holding a physical copy. Bookbinding


How to Market Your Self-Published Book

Sarah Harris
December 4, 2022

Creating your own book can be a gratifying experience, but getting that book into the


Biography vs. Autobiography: What’s the Difference?

Sarah Harris
April 28, 2022

There’s an old joke by Demetri Marting, and it might help you understand the difference


How to Send Manuscript to Publishers

Sarah Harris
April 9, 2022

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, when you’re done crafting your manuscript, there was a button


Why Do Self-Publishers Need an Author Website?

Sarah Harris
January 20, 2022

Unless you plan on being a J. D. Salinger-style recluse, author websites are for every author,

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Standard Book Sizes: What They Are and How-To Pick

Sarah Harris
October 26, 2021

When you’re sitting in a cozy armchair by the fire on a cold winter’s night,

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Selling Your Book: 7 Tips for Self-Publishing a Book

Sarah Harris
October 26, 2021

Congratulations, author! You have an amazing, incredible, unique, captivating book! You spent months or years

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