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How to Print Folded Flyers Online

Published in General

Folded flyers are an effective advertising option that can be printed in extremely large quantities for relatively little money. And unlike digital advertising and radio or TV ads, folded flyers are physical. Once a digital campaign is done or the last contracted ad runs on your local station, that’s it. You receive no more value from them. Foldable flyers, by contrast, are always ready to hand to a new potential customer.

Introduction to Print Folded Flyers

If you’re unfamiliar with folded flyers, you can think of them as a type of brochure. They start out as standard, landscape-oriented 8.5″ x 11″ sheets (other sizes are available, though they are less common) that are then folded into thirds. This allows the flyers to contain plenty of info about a product or service without taking up too much shelf space.

Benefits of Folded Flyers for Marketing

Folded flyers or folded leaflets are inexpensive to produce, easy to carry and provide a simple way to communicate a lot of information to a potential client or customer. There’s plenty of space for attractive graphics, too. And because they don’t have a shelf life, you can print up a large batch and distribute them at your leisure. 

Tips for Designing Your Print Folded Flyer

To convince people to pay attention to the inside of your folded flyers, the flyers must look compelling on the outside. If you’re not sure how to make that happen, that’s OK. Print Bind Ship will help with your specialized printing needs. Check out these tips below for designing an eye-catching flyer.

Choose an On-Brand Design

Every product needs consistent branding — even folded flyers. If you own a brewery, your color scheme, fonts, graphics, wording and other content will be drastically different from that of a daycare. Your flyers should reflect who you intend to target.

Consider Your Print Folded Template

Folded leaflet printing requires precision to look good. When relying on Print Bind Ship’s designers, you can be certain that the information you want to convey flows seamlessly across each fold. When handling the design in-house, however, you may want to download a template to avoid running into issues with text or graphics placement.

Choose High-Quality Paper

The type of paper you use is another important consideration when designing a flyer, as it will convey the amount of thought and care you put into the printing. A high-quality paper can offer the subtle but essential impression that the flyer is worth reading. It will also last longer and hold images better.

Include Critical Information

All key information, including your logo, contact details, website, social media and what you want to advertise, needs to be on the flyer. The recipient should get a clear idea of what your business is and how to engage with it.

Highlight Important Content

The most important information should be instantly noticeable. Highlighting words, using large lettering, altering the color and changing up the font all help to attract the eye.

How to Print Folded Flyers

This is the step where you definitely need to rely on professionals rather than your office’s laser printer. Print Bind Ship specializes in high-quality and consistent flyer printing. All you need to do is:

  1. Contact Print Bind Ship and discuss your requirements.
  2. Provide us with the information — we accept everything from files to bullet points.
  3. Let us print a sample to show you what it will look like.

The process is simple and easy. Whether you want to print up just a few flyers or get pallet loads, we can help.

Why Choose PBS for Printing Folded Flyers?

Through a simple, intuitive process, Print Bind Ship consistently provides high-quality products. To ensure you end up with the best folded flyer for your business, you need the experience of Print Bind Ship.

Industry Expertise

We have the latest and greatest printing equipment and know how to use it to the fullest. Thanks to our years of printing experience, we have the skills to make high-quality prints quickly for worldwide distribution.

Customizable Options

Whether you want gloss or matte, heavyweight or thin paper, black-and-white or color graphics, odd page sizes or just about any other preference, we can make it happen.

Highest Quality 

You can expect every flyer to arrive looking consistent, crisp and ready to disperse to potential clients and customers. We look over every detail to make sure you only get ready-to-circulate folded flyers.

Other Considerations for Printing Folded Flyers

Do you have other requirements beyond the flyer’s appearance and content? Let’s explore some other possible needs.

Consider Your Distribution Channels

Flyers don’t have to be handed out in person. You can send them along with corporate gifts, use them for direct mail campaigns or include them in deliveries. Print Bind Ship has warehouses and printing locations around the globe, so we can do print-on-demand to quickly get your flyers to customers anywhere in the world.

Measuring Success

Want to make sure your flyers are working? Print Bind Ship’s Mail Genius allows you to track your flyer’s success with built-in tools and analytics. We print, distribute and provide thorough data regarding user responses to your flyer.

Boost Your Marketing with Folded Flyers from Print Bind Ship

Digital ads and radio or TV promotions have their place, but for a more permanent and budget-friendly solution, folded flyers offer a physical presence that makes a stronger impact. Print Bind Ship partners with businesses like yours every day to increase their brand presence through gorgeous, consistent and high-quality flyers. If you want to see what folded flyers can do for your profits, contact Print Bind Ship today!


What are the standard sizes of folded flyers?

Most folded flyers are 8.5″ x 11″ sheets arranged in a landscape format and tri-folded. Other sizes, such as 8.5″ x 14″ or 11″ x 17″, are also available.

What kind of paper stock is used for printing folded flyers?

Many folded flyers use heavyweight card stock that weighs between 80 and 100 pounds. Some prefer thinner papers to make the flyers easier to fold.

Where can I get folded flyers printed?

Using a printing service such as Print Bind Ship ensures consistent quality and allows for large runs that wouldn’t be possible using standard office printers.

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