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How to Create Your Own Protein Powder Private Label in 7 Steps

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Creating your own protein powder private label can be both a lucrative and exciting venture, especially if you’re passionate about health and wellness. The global nutritional supplements market size was estimated at $381.47 billion in 2022.

Creating your own protein powder private label allows you to customize and personalize your product to cater to a specific target audience, it also allows you to build your own brand and establish yourself in the fast-growing industry.

In this guide, we’re going over everything to know about how to create your own protein powder private label. In the meantime, it may be worthwhile exploring how Print Bind Ship can help you take your protein powder brand to the next level. We’re one of the leading fulfillment providers for nutritional supplements throughout North America.

And we don’t step there – we can help you create custom packages for your product and ensure it’s delivered to you customer in the best condition. Get a free quote for your project here.

What Is Protein Powder Private Labeling?

Starting a whey protein private label might involve rebranding an existing whey protein powder formula, partnering with whey protein manufacturers, or creating your own formula from scratch. Most private labels take one of the first two routes.

Choosing to repackage an existing product such as whey protein is the least costly move. While it limits your options, it might be the best choice if you want to break into a new market quickly, target a unique demographic, or pack the product in serving sizes that are currently not on offer.

If you partner with a protein manufacturer or make your own powder, you can tweak the formula in ways you couldn’t if you were to use someone else’s product. While this approach is more expensive, it may yield higher profits and more market share if your formula becomes popular.

Why Create Your Own Unique Protein Powder Private Label?

People create their own brands so they can have the freedom to make the products they want, whether for domestic customers or buyers around the world. There are no limitations on your product branding when you’re in control.

Starting a private label is also an excellent way to boost profits for an existing business and support a fitness brand that’s looking for ways to expand.

7 Steps to Create a Protein Powder Private Label

Creating your own protein powder label takes a little hard work, but the path is already laid out for how to make it happen.

1. Research the Market

Know your competitors and your potential customers. Private-label protein shakes aren’t uncommon, so you’ll need a unique proposition for buyers.

For example, are you targeting buyers concerned with the environment or those who avoid meat and dairy products? You could start a private-label vegan protein powder business that proudly declares the products aren’t sourced from animals. Your research will tell you where the most lucrative path is.

2. Design a Unique Brand and Logo

Your brand and logo should reflect the kind of product you’re bringing to market. Think about how your color choice, font, product name, and container shape connect with consumers.

If you’re making a protein powder aimed at helping weight lifters get jacked, you don’t want soft, muted colors and flowing cursive letters; instead, choose bold colors and aggressive, edgy text.

3. Create a Unique Recipe for Your Protein Powder Private Label

Whether you’re working on your own recipe, relabeling an existing one, or connecting with private-label protein powder manufacturers to craft your product, think about the needs of your target audience.

Do you want to market to women? You might fortify your protein powder with dietary iron. Or if your protein powder is intended as a dietary supplement for the elderly, you should formulate your product for overall health and wellness rather than athletic performance.

4. Partner with an FDA-Approved Manufacturer

Private-label protein powder manufacturers in the U.S. are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA considers protein powders to be dietary supplements. This means that you don’t have to seek approval before selling, but the FDA will step in and regulate your product if it believes it’s a threat to public health. By partnering with an FDA-approved manufacturer, you don’t have to worry about regulatory headaches.

5. Decide on a Pricing Strategy

Figuring out what to charge for your product involves many factors:

  • How much does your competition charge for similar products?
  • Who are your potential customers, and what is their income level?
  • What is the price of your materials?
  • How many employees do you have, and what do you pay them?
  • How expensive are your branding and marketing efforts?

These metrics and more will impact your final product price. Do your research to come up with a number that will be profitable.

6. Market Your Protein Powder Private Label

Once you have all the ingredients in place, you can start marketing. You’ll need to assess which avenues you’ll use to spread awareness of your brand.

Do you own a gym or fitness center? Put up signage and sell your products as customers come in. You can also take out social media ads, demonstrate your products’ effectiveness in videos, offer giveaways through email marketing, use direct mail to provide exclusive offers, and rely on traditional outlets like TV, radio, and print.

7. Launch Your Online Store

To make your products easier to buy, don’t rely on retail sales alone. Create an e-commerce store for direct sales. If you’re using a third-party logistics (3PL) partner like Print Bind Ship, you don’t have to worry about warehousing, packaging, shipping, or returns. We handle all that for you. We also provide demand fulfillment for whey protein, amino acids, sports nutrition, and other label supplements.

The Greatest Supplement for Your Business Is Print Bind Ship

Starting a private label is a good way to increase your brand presence and provide products the market wants. You have a lot of work ahead of you, from researching the competition to creating a marketing strategy. With so much to think about, let Print Bind Ship handle the product for you.

Know that you can rely on us to print custom labels on your protein product and manage your fulfillment process. Get a free quote for your project here!


Why is protein powder not FDA-approved?

Protein powders are classified as dietary supplements, not food or medicine, so the FDA does not test or approve protein powder before it goes on the market.

What is protein powder private labeling and how does it work?

Protein powder private labeling refers to the practice of customizing protein powder products with your own branding, packaging, and label designs. This allows you to create a unique product line and establish your own brand identity. Private-label manufacturers typically provide white-label products that can be personalized according to your specifications.

What are the advantages of using protein powder private label services?

By utilizing protein powder private label services, you can save time and resources on product development, formulation, and manufacturing. Private label manufacturers already have the necessary expertise, facilities, and equipment to produce high-quality protein powders. It also enables you to establish your brand presence, differentiate your products from competitors, and control pricing and profit margins.

How can I differentiate my private label protein from national brands?

You can differentiate by offering unique protein sources, custom flavor and texture profiles, unique packaging and branding, transparency into quality control and manufacturing, and customized nutrition panel based on your audience’s needs. Focus on your unique value proposition.

What regulations do I need to follow when creating a private label protein powder?

You need to make sure your protein powder complies with FDA food safety regulations as well as federal labeling laws indicating ingredients, nutrition facts, weight, etc. You may also need NSF certification.

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